in this m0nth da msuk 4 kali me late..
slh me ke ek?
bgun da awl..
tp still late jgk
x fhm tol..
" mase itu emas "
..mayb list di bwh ni blh di jdkn reason kot..
[ keletihan smlm ]
[ ketidakcukupan tido ]
[ kesayangan nk tgglkn bntal + tot0 ]
[ ketidak iron baju awl² ]
[ kemalasan n b'anggapan tren da dkt ngan umah, so x yah nk tggu bus lg ]
[ kesalahan sendiri yg pling utama kot..huhu yg pntingnye diri me sndiri ]
( isk! t'ingt ade org ckp, xbaek slalu jek bt reason..pdhal diri sendiri ) yesterday..
" Laugh it off
Let it go and
When you wake up it will seem
So-o yesterday
So-o yesterday
Haven't you heard that
I'm gonna be oka-ay oka-a-a-ay "
by : Hilary Duff
my lil chup bg me suprise
t'kezut me..
nk tau pe die?
die tlh m'reservationkn ticket
" PAUL BART : MALL COP " <-- funny abeh~ t'gelak besar sume org lam pnggung tuh
mmg elok la tuk snaman mulut..
n mmg sesuai bg chup yg katenye tension..
at least dpt kurngkn sdikit beban kerja (;
mmg x suspect pn nk tgok wyng..
pi Mid ingtkn just nk bli brng je
mkn pizza pn xsngke gak..
( but miss yg amek order sl0w + greet custmr pn x great )
( manager pn gne hp time keje / order late / nk bt briefing xkene mse )
fuhhh~ byk btl kjutan smlm..
jgn mati t'kejut udah.. ade sdkit kecewe..xpat pi 1 of fav shop but it's okeh..
she said "next time" i'm waiting neway..
whatever wif full in my heart ..
my dedication & appreciatit0n to my lil sis..
slh me ke ek?
bgun da awl..
tp still late jgk
x fhm tol..
" mase itu emas "
..mayb list di bwh ni blh di jdkn reason kot..
[ keletihan smlm ]
[ ketidakcukupan tido ]
[ kesayangan nk tgglkn bntal + tot0 ]
[ ketidak iron baju awl² ]
[ kemalasan n b'anggapan tren da dkt ngan umah, so x yah nk tggu bus lg ]
[ kesalahan sendiri yg pling utama kot..huhu yg pntingnye diri me sndiri ]
( isk! t'ingt ade org ckp, xbaek slalu jek bt reason..pdhal diri sendiri ) yesterday..
" Laugh it off
Let it go and
When you wake up it will seem
So-o yesterday
So-o yesterday
Haven't you heard that
I'm gonna be oka-ay oka-a-a-ay "
by : Hilary Duff
my lil chup bg me suprise
t'kezut me..
nk tau pe die?
die tlh m'reservationkn ticket
" PAUL BART : MALL COP " <-- funny abeh~ t'gelak besar sume org lam pnggung tuh
mmg elok la tuk snaman mulut..
n mmg sesuai bg chup yg katenye tension..
at least dpt kurngkn sdikit beban kerja (;
mmg x suspect pn nk tgok wyng..
pi Mid ingtkn just nk bli brng je
mkn pizza pn xsngke gak..
( but miss yg amek order sl0w + greet custmr pn x great )
( manager pn gne hp time keje / order late / nk bt briefing xkene mse )
fuhhh~ byk btl kjutan smlm..
jgn mati t'kejut udah.. ade sdkit kecewe..xpat pi 1 of fav shop but it's okeh..
she said "next time" i'm waiting neway..
whatever wif full in my heart ..
my dedication & appreciatit0n to my lil sis..
wif all what u do 4 me..
i'm so happy ( :
me h0pe dpt alwiz bgitu
sayang kamu ^_^
i'm so happy ( :
me h0pe dpt alwiz bgitu
sayang kamu ^_^
April 17, 2009 at 2:56 PM
tp kalo xbuat gitu xsyg u ke? :]
April 17, 2009 at 4:19 PM
bkn begitu mksd ku :P
syg ttp syg..
tp b+ syg..
mcm lagu mkin hari mkin syg tu ^_^
he he he
April 17, 2009 at 5:33 PM